I Was Put on the Earth to be a Cop – Aaron Terrill – EP 112

I met Aaron Terrill, a medically retired police officer, from Lansing, Michigan (about 45 minutes from me), after being introduced by Sara Correll, (founder of “The Power of Our Story and former guest).

Unfortunately, Aaron was forced to retire, after being involved in a on duty traffic accident. The career ending accident, occurred while he was responding to a state trooper calling for help.

An open book, Aaron talks about the accident and how it has changed his life…

Both for the good and bad. And what he has been doing, since leaving the profession.

About Aaron Terrill

  • 18 years – Medically retired
  • Peer Support Advocate – The Wounded Blue
  • From Lansing, Michigan

Follow Aaron Terrill

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Show Segments

[01:19] Lead Off Question – “Why Law Enforcement?” 

[09:59] The Monster – The monster chased away everything that Aaron loved.

[23:48] Temporary Grave Site – Aaron talks about his beautiful, “temporary grave site”.

[26:02] The Article – The night that Aaron pointed his gun at his dog and what came from that.

[28:20] The Wounded Blue – This is the organization that Aaron says saved his life. He talks about how that happened and what he’s now doing with the Wounded Blue.

[39:08] This or That – This is my rapid fire round, where I give the guest two choices and they have to chose one without giving too much thought.