Books Behind The Badge – Brady Tucker – EP 82

Brady Tucker is a new deputy (1 year on the job) from Nebraska.

Brady is doing some really cool things to help the men and women of the profession, grow personally through books.

His love for books and reading has allowed him to come up with a really creative program that he’s started at his department.


  • 9 years in law enforcement (6 military, 2 contract from fed, 1 deputy)
  • Host of “Books Behind The Badge” Podcast
  • Lives in Nebraska


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[01:38] Lead Off Question – “Why Law Enforcement?” Brady explains that he knew further his education after high school was not in his immediate plans, so he joined the air force and became a MP.

And like high school, he wasn’t crazy about the air force, but he loved being a MP. So when he got out of the military, he decided to continue in law enforcement as a contracted marshal and eventually moving on to become a deputy sheriff.

[15:09] Dig Deeper – This is the part of the podcast were I dig into the guest’s social media and I craft questions around 2-4 of those posts.

Brady says that he try’s not to live with regrets, but there’s one decision that he really regrets making… You’ll never guess what it is.

[31:41] Random Seven – These are seven, totally random questions that I asked Brady. And they’re all electronically created.

LOL you’ll never believe the conversation Brady and I had about breakfast cereal. You’re probably asking, “why do I what to hear you guys talk about cereal?” Trust me, the question I asked Brady will have you pondering the answer.

[41:12] Flip The Script – This is where the guest poses a question to you the listener and Brady actually had two questions: (Leave your answer below)

  • “What are you doing at your office to make that positive change?”
  • “Give me a fiction and a non-fiction book. That you think any cops should read?”

[43:10] This or That – This is my version of a speed round.