EP 12 – When She Said That it Brought Me to Tears – Det. Ty Dennis – Atlanta PD

Detective Ty Dennis is a 15 year veteran with the Atlanta Police Department. Det. Dennis is currently working in investigation where he utilizes his wealth of gang knowledge as a member and certified expert of the gang unit.

Det. Dennis is also the founder of the non-profit organization, “Clippers and Cops” a community outreach program that is having a huge impact on the young residents of Atlanta.

Det. Dennis and his follow officers have been featured on CNN and countless other media outlets for the great work they’ve done with “Clippers and Cops”.

Det. Dennis talks about how losing a division 1 basketball scholarship became a blessing in disguise that lead him to APD.

Tune in and listen as Det. Dennis talks about how a young lady’s comment about the work he and the other officers are doing, brought him to tears….

And his plans to take “Clippers and Cops” nationally.

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