EP 53 Bonus – Go Find Your Life Purpose – Anthony McNeil

This is a bonus episode that I plan on doing from time to time. This episode came about because of a Instagram story I made, asking, “Is police work your life purpose?”.

That IG story, led me to thinking about a gentle that I use to work with, and a Conversation that we had at my first going away party. I left the department to start me business.


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For a police officer or any first responder, not knowing your life purpose, coupled with the “day to day”, accumulative stress of the job, can be a very unhealthy thing.

Think about it. Each day you’re getting up to go do something, you basically are not fully happy doing.

And when you feel like this, it becomes much easier for the unhappiness to manifest into other things…. especially when you pair that with the “day to day” stresses of the job.

Other things such as:

  • Taking your anger (unhappiness) out on co-workers, family and citizens,
  • Excessive drinking,
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • And on and on

Leave a comment and let me know, “Is police work your life purpose?” and if it’s not, then what is it? If you need help figuring out what your purpose is, then feel free to contact me. I would be happy to discuss this with you and help you figure it out.