Nathan Mund – I Didn’t Like What It Was Turning Me Into – EP 59

Nathan Mund and I have quite a bit in common, everything from being first responders to learning how to cook for only 2 people, once our children moved out. Something else we share, we’re both podcaster!

Nathan who is a former corrections officer, turned dispatcher, along with his partner Gray Mirando, co-host the “Behind The Badge” podcast.

During our conversation, Nathan talks about making the career switch, his family, the podcast, his love for baking plus much more.


  • Husband & father
  • 10 Yrs in law enforcement
  • Former Corrections & Reserve PO – Now full time Dispatcher
  • Special Projects Producer – Academy Hour
  • Co-Host of Behind The Badge Podcast
  • From Oklahoma



01:52 Lead Off Question: “Why Law Enforcement?” Nathan explains that as a kid, he thought he wanted to be a police officer, but after getting out of the military, he took a corrections job and fell in love with the profession.

16:07 Dig Deeper: This is the part of the podcast were I dig into the guest’s social media and I craft questions around 3-5 of those posts.

28:09 Random Seven – These are the seven random questions that I asked Nathan. These questions are random and electronically created.

36:57 This or That – This is my version of a speed round.