EP 43 – Your Boy Got a Hit on Him – Officer 401

I first came across “Officer 401” on YouTube. After being sucked in by the great content he was sharing on his channel, I knew right away that I wanted to reach out to him about being a guest on the podcast.

This dude not only talks about some great stuff, but he’s also pretty funny!

I really enjoyed the conversation and I encourage you to not only listen to the entire episode, but go follow and check out his content… Dude is crushing it!


  • 13.5 Years in law enforcement
  • From Georgia
  • Successful Vlogger and social media influencer
  • Graphic designer


01:53 – Lead Off Question: “Why law enforcement?” Officer 401 explains how the influence of his dad, who spent years in the profession, was a huge part of him wanting to become a police officer. Officer 401, talks about going on ride-alongs as a teenager and one in particular, that solidified the deal for him getting into police work.

17:30 Dig Deeper: This is where I pick several posts from the guest’s social media and form questions around those posts.

POST – Comment someone made to your pic of your cactus tattoo:

mrpurpleguy  Did it hurt? I’m thinking of getting a tattoo myself.


@mrpurpleguy_ they hurt yea. But If it’s something you really want they are worth it. It’s not crazy painful unless you do colors

  • Does the tattoo symbolize or have any significant meaning?
  • Is that you’re only tattoo?
  • What is or was something that really hurt you to do or go through, but it was something you really wanted?

POST: – Pic of the new pool you out up for the family::

What better way to spend a day off than building a pool! Here’s the before and after. The kids loved it! I can’t wait to jump in tomorrow. 😜 Grilled some delicious chicken and Mrs. 401 made broccoli and rice for sides. Awesome day, and I hope yours was too! 😊

  • Besides spending time with the family, what do you enjoy doing to get away from the job?
  • What’s one moment with your kids that you will always chairish?

POST: – Split pic of you in patrol car when you first started and now:

It’s really long post but the part I want to focus on:

I was a kid. I’ve now spent over a third of my life as a cop. This job has changed me in ways I never imagined, both good and bad.

  • What was 15 year old 401 like?
  • Can you give 2 good and bad ways the job has changed you?
  • If you had to do it all over would you choose LE again?

38:17 – Random Seven: Here I use an app to create 7 totally random questions. Here’s the list of questions I asked Officer 401:

  • Which country do you think has the best food?
  • What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten deep-fried?
  • What’s one thing your kids will always associate with you?
  • If you could be a top tier athlete in any sport what would you play and why?
  • WYR find something valuable that you lost or fix something valuable that was broken?
  • If you could be friends with a ghost, what era would you want the ghost to be from?
  • What housework/chore do you absolutely refuse to do?

45:00 – This or That – This is my “Rapid fire” round. I give the guest two topics and they have to select one over the other.

  • Passenger or driver?
  • Attend a party or host a party?
  • Salad or sandwich?
  • Concert or sports game?
  • French fries or onion rings?
  • Growth or security?
  • iOS or Android?
  • Sneakers or Sandals?
  • Couch or Recliner?
  • Movie at Home or Movie at the Theater?



If you or someone you know in law enforcement, is struggling with the stresses of the job. I suggest you visit this page and get on the waitlist, for my upcoming “IGY6 Mastermind”.

Here you’ll discover how to, better identify and cope with the stress and stop UNKNOWING, damaging your mental health and personal relationships.