EP 51 – This Job Ain’t For Feelings – Sgt. Mitch Hamilton

Sgt. Mitch Hamilton is someone that I’ve been following on Instagram for a while, I even gave him the, “Shout out of the day” on my IG profile. So it was a no brainer to reach out and invite him onto the podcast.

The one thing I got from my conversation with Mitch is that, this young man is a leader, he leads by example. He’s out there doing what this podcast is all about, “Humanizing the badge”.

Mitch is also one of those people that I would say the phrase, “don’t judge a book by the cover” would apply to. I never would have imagined him, to be the introverted one, who likes to take vacations allow.


  • 4 Years in Law Enforcement
  • Lives in Illinois
  • Loves to go fast
  • Enjoys Tacos, Pizza, Donuts and baseball



01:14 Lead Off Question: “Why Law Enforcement?” Sgt. Mitch Hamilton talks about hearing his grandfather, who was a police officer talk about the job.

And how cool he thought it was to hear all of the stories that only a certain people got to hear, made him want to follow his grandfather into the profession.

08:22 Dig Deeper: This is the part of the podcast were I dig into the guest’s social media and I craft questions around 3-5 of those posts. Below are the post and questions I spoke with Sgt. Hamilton about.

POST – Selfie of you in Adidas hat and mask:

“I think @adidas should sponsor me, even though I’m not an athlete anymore 😂. Doubt they’d sponsor a cop… but then again… I’m def not a cop” 🤫 😎

  • What sports did you play?
  • Is there a meaning behind that?

POST – Selfie you in your patrol car:

Regardless of what’s going on in the world, this is still the best job ever! I wouldn’t have chosen a different career path even if I could. #IGY6

  • How have you been holding up through everything that’s been going on the past year and half?
  • Do you have someone you can talk to when you get a little overwhelmed?
  • If your son or daughter wanted to become a cop what would you tell them?


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POST – A series of pics someone took of you while you were working and posted them on FB:

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” -Gandhi”

A guy stopped me today and said, “You drive squad ____?” I said yeah. He said, “I put you on fb live and took some pictures to show that not all cops are bad. I saw you showing that guy how to change his tire.”

I don’t post things for recognition. However, I will post this to show that policing is more than handling domestics, thieves, robbers, speeders, murderers, etc. Its about helping & assisting anybody at any given moment.

This gentleman in the photo approached me at the gas station to ask if i had a lug wrench. I didn’t, so I drove him to the auto store to buy one and then back to his car. He said he never was taught how to change his wheel, so I demonstrated and walked him through changing it.

  • No question, just want to say hat off to you for going the extra mile.
  • Every encounter leaves an impression, rather good or bad.

22:04 Random Seven – These are the seven random questions that I asked Mitch. These questions are random and electronically created.

  • If you could be any animal other than human what would you be and why?
  • If you could undo one moment in your life what would be?
  • What do you think is the best movie of all time?
  • What are your 3 favorite purchases you’ve made this year?
  • What’s your favorite phone app?
  • What’s your morning routine?
  • If you won the lottery, what in your life would not change?

37:04 This or That – This is my version of a speed round.

  • Skydiving or bungee jumping
  • Sunrise or sunset
  • Modest or risque
  • Extroverted or introverted
  • Mustard or mayo
  • Tacos: soft or crunchy
  • Ford or chevy
  • Pizza: deep dish or thin crust
  • Donuts: glazed or jelly filled
  • Play it safe or roll the dice