EP 45 – Son You Have The Perfect Face For Radio – Sheriff Scott Rose

Sheriff Scott Rose is the highest ranking law enforcement officer I have had on the podcast, and boy was I glad I got him to come on! This gentleman was a absolute joy to interview!

With 20+ years in law enforcement, Sheriff Rose, has managed to do something, many in our profession has not been able to do…. Stay married for 30+ years!

He’s a loving father, he does voiceover work (when you hear his voice you’ll understand why) and he’s a huge advocate for officers killed in the line of duty….

He sits on the board of directors for two law enforcement memorial associations.

Scott is such an advocate, that he started his own podcast on the subject… The “Officer Down Memorial” podcast, which I HIGHLY encourage you to take a listen to!


01:42 – Lead Off Question: “Why law enforcement?” – Yes this is a topical question to ask. But Scott’s reply, was not a topical reply. “I wanted to make the community I raise my kids in better!”

Think about what one would do to protect their kids. Translate that to… think about the job Scott is willing to do, to improve the safety of the community so that his children can have a safer place to live.

18:51 Dig Deeper: This is where I pick several posts from the guest’s social media and form questions around those posts.

LINKEDIN POST – Father’s Day post honoring the memory of fallen officers:

For many, Father’s Day is a celebration and happy day with family and friends.  However, Father’s Day can be a very challenging day for survivor families of fallen officers.   These amazing families simply want us to never forget their fallen hero’s story – his service, and his sacrifice.  Today, and always, we remember and honor the memory of their fallen fathers.  NEVER FORGOTTEN!

  • What one memory of your day you will always have?
  • You have kids?
    • What’s one memory of you, that your kids will always hold on to?

LINKEDIN POST: – Post made by Wayne Mulder that you liked: 

“Change is not the enemy. Yet, this job will change you. I am not the same person who entered the academy all those years ago.”

  • How has the profession changed you?
  • Would you do it all over again?

LINKEDIN POST: – Video of Police Chief Jeffery Rasche signing off for the last time:

After 37 1/2 years I marked off duty for the last time. It has been an honor to serve along side many great officers and I pray for the safety of those who continue to hold the line. Looking forward to new opportunities as I enter a new chapter in life.

  • What does the next chapter look like for you?

34:06 – Random Seven: Here I use an app to create 7 totally random questions. Here’s the list of questions I asked Scott:

  • What’s the most exotic thing you’ve ever eaten?
  • What could you do all day and not consider it a waste of time?
  • If you could make a documentary about anything, what would you make it about?
  • WYR have your toilet overflow every time you flush it or your refrigerator smells like rotten fish every time you open it?
  • Do you think once you love someone you will always love them? Or do you think love can fade with time?
  • WYR be hated or forgotten?
  • What area of your life are you least satisfied with?

39:36 – This or That – This is my “Rapid fire” round. I give the guest two topics and they have to select one over the other.

  • Hot chocolate or coffee
  • Singing or dancing
  • Shoes or barefoot
  • Text or call
  • Money or power
  • Watch sports or play sports
  • Hawaii or Alaska
  • Reading or writing
  • Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts
  • Mashed potatoes or baked potatoes



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