EP 47 – Why Not – Deputy Teresa Gadrow

Deputy Teresa Gadrow contacted me about being on the podcast. After checking out her content on Instagram, I decided to accept her request and boy am I glad I did!

Teresa was a joy to speak with and very open while sharing her story… and this always makes a great interview. When she describes herself as a “Kickass, badass, boss babe”, she was right on point!


  • 7 Years in law enforcement
  • From Ohio
  • Self described as a Kickass, Badass, Boss babe
  • Deputy Sheriff



01:25 Lead Off Question: “Why Law Enforcement?” Teresa explains that she got into law enforcement because as a kid, there was a lot of domestic situations in her home. She explains that she wanted to be able to help others, who found themself going through the same situation.

07:35 Dig Deeper: This is the part of the podcast were I dig into the guest’s social media and I crafte questions around 3-5 of those posts. Below are the post and questions I spoke with Teresa about.

POST – Latest pic of your massive tattoo:

Session #2 on my beautiful Phoenix by the absolutely amazing & super talented @_meghandeth_!!

I cannot get over how incredible this piece is looking and I am so in love with it! Can’t wait for the next torture session!! ❤️😍

  • Does the tattoo symbolize or have any significant meaning?
  • You have a number of tattoos, what’s your favorite one?

POST: – Pic of your new house::

A lot of people had a rough 2020. We were no exception. The amount of frustration, heartbreak, sorrow for the loss of so much, disappointment, yelling, and anger we had last year is immeasurable with words.

  • 20 years from now when you look back at 2020, what one word will you use to describe it?
  • How did the worst thing that happened to you in 2020, how did that thing change you for the better?

We’re leaving the old shit behind and moving onto bigger and better things.

  • What does life look like once you’ve moved on from LE?

POST: – Pic of your journal and a glass of lemonade: Has long caption.

Please remember to tell the brave ones in uniform “thank you”. We didn’t sign up to be hated, chastised, belittled, or killed. We do this selfless act because there’s a deeper meaning for each of us behind our badges.

  • What makes you get up day after day and keep doing this job?

29:04 Random Seven – These are the seven random questions that I put to Teresa. These questions are random and electronically created.

  • If you could follow someone around for a day, who would it be and why?
  • What’s on your to do list, that’s important but not urgent?
  • WYR people not take you seriously or always be afraid of you?
  • WYR lose your ability to concentrate or lose your ability to be creative?
  • What makes you lose track of time?
  • What are you avoiding doing because it’s hard or scary?
  • What book title best describes the life you’d like to lead?

42:40 This or That – This is my version of a speed round.

  • Air dry or hair dryer
  • America’s Got Talent or American Idol
  • Beer Or Wine
  • Card Game Or Board Game
  • Couch Or Recliner
  • Mansion In The Suburbs Or Cabin In The Mountains
  • Toilet Paper: Over Or Under
  • Truth Or Dare
  • Alone Or In A Crowd
  • Call Or Text


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