I Couldn’t Imagine What That Would be Like – Preston Kinikin- EP 130

After witnessing the death of a little girl, a devoted cop (Preston Kinikin)confronts the irony of his parents’ strict religious beliefs when he’s forced to face the lasting trauma of a career in law enforcement and the heartbreaking loss of his own son.

You will learn:

1. What would it be like to experience a child’s death as a parent?

2. How does trauma experienced on the job affect the mental health of law enforcement officers?

3. What are the struggles with finding help for those who have left law enforcement?

Preston is a certified first responder chaplain and former law enforcement officer with six years of experience. He is the CEO of the nonprofit Warriors of Ramoth and is a passionate advocate for law enforcement.

About Preston Kinikin

  • Certified First Responder Chaplain
  • CEO of Nonprofit – Warriors of Ramoth
  • 6 years in LE
  • From Texas

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Anthony McNeil is back with another fantastic guest on the Off Duty podcast. Preston Kennedy is a certified first responder chaplain who spent six years in law enforcement. His parents did not even attend his academy graduation because they are devout Jehovah’s Witnesses. But he knew what he was doing was right.


Once you finally got into the profession, was it what you thought it would be? Man, hell no. But you can make individuals worlds better with the profession if you do it right.


Preston: The biggest part for me to have to overcome is I had to realize that everyone lies to you. “It’s just, man, everybody lies,” he says. Is there a part of the profession outside of the mental side that you had to overcome when you first started?


“I officially got out and let my T Cole license go in 2019. Can you share why you got out or not? “I was having a lot of issues after a call that I had ” After six years, you’re no longer in the profession.


The organization started in the back room of a church. It’s now an official nonprofit, with about 32 people attending four meetings a month. Did you ever get the help that you were seeking? I did seek counseling through EMDR after I was healed.


The whole process is just show up. We make it as easy as possible for people to get the support that they need. We’ve even considered letting nursing staff come in because more nurses and medical staff commit suicide every year. It’s all about being a public servant and being able to provide some type of resource.


Preston: If you have a heart to reach out to people who are like you, your own people, and make a change in your life and theirs, you can start this. Phone number is 361-22-1775 Wards of Raymond. You can call me anytime.


Preston: The most defining moment in my life has been realizing that all the bad that I’ve seen doesn’t mean that I have to let that bad and evil in and let it change. He says the job did not become his life and he never allowed police work to become his identity.


When I got out, I started building custom homes as a project manager. My wife and I just had my fifth child four days ago. My biggest fulfillment comes from my family and giving them a better life than what I had. A successful parent understands that the less unless your children need you.


First responders would like to light a spark in people versus Bondes, especially in cops. Who’s had the biggest impact on you in your life? My wife. We’ve been married for almost six years of being together for nine. What would your life look like in five years?


Ride single or have a partner? Single. Soak up the overtime or not. Get involved off duty or make a good witness. It doesn’t matter if you’re on duty or off duty, it’s in the heart, who you are.


Preston: Honesty or respect? I can respect you a lot more when you’re honest. If you’re looking to start your own organization, feel free to reach out to Preston and warriors. I appreciate you guys listening and supporting the podcast.

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